List of Books starting with A
- The plants described here have most of them been in use among the Natives for medicinal purposes probably for a very long period. Some of them are well known; others are known only to a few, who keep the knowledge of their virtues to themselves with profound secrecy, and occasionally mislead people by showing them some other plant, or by ascribing to a plant some use very different from its real one.
- A list of South African indigenous plants used as remedies by the colonists of the Cape of Good HopeSouth African indigenous plants used by colonists in the Cape of Good Hope for medicinal purposes.
- The poisonous plants of South Africa play a very important role in the stock-raising industry of the country, as the annual loss of the stock by plant poisoning is very considerable. Our present knowledge of plants poisonous to stock is mainly due to the researches carried out by the Division of Veterlnary EducatIon and Research, and while this knowledge is yet very incomplete, sufficient data have been collected to warrant a botanical description of such species as have been definitely proved poisonous. The present list deals vith eighteen families, forty genera, and in all with fifty-five species of plants.
- The objective of this study was to provide the basis for a conservation policy on medicinal plant utilization and management guidelines for the medicinal plant resource in the Natal/KwaZulu region. Research on the herbal medicine trade was initiated at the request of both resource users (herbalists, herb traders) and resource managers (conservation organizations) because of a simmering and clearly unresolved state of conflict between gatherers and herb traders on one hand and conservation staff on the other. Indigenous species, which provide the main source of supply of herbal medicines, vary greatly in their geographicai distribution, population density, growth rate, growth form and population biology. Demand for species such as Chrysanthemoides moneiifera (inKhupulana), Artemesia aFra (umHlonyane) and Gomphocarpus physocarpa (umSingalwesalukazi) is easily met from wild stocks. What is of concern is the depletion of stocks of species vulnerable to over-exploitation.