List of Books starting with I
- Authors note:The aim of this book is to engender an awareness, in all South Africans, of the wonders of our green heritage and to sow the seeds of interest, appreciation and delight in the plants of our country. Wild plants are protected by law and no person may dig out, pull up, pick, pestroy or spoil any wild plant. To protect our beautiful country from becoming denuded and barren, protect her flora for your grandchildren's sake. Never eat any plant found in the veld or use any plant as a medicine, poultice, skin treatment or tea unless you are 100 per cent certain of its identification. When in doubt leave out - many plants are poisonous. The author and publishers take no responsibility for any poisoning, illness or discomfort that may be incurred by the incorrect identification of a plant or the incorrect medicinal treatment of any person with a plant. You are strongly advised to consult your doctor before treating yourself or your family with home remedies. We make no claims as to the healing properties of plants and the curing of specific ailments, but rather indicate the traditional ways in which the plants have been used for many centuries. You are strongly discouraged to experiment without the guidance of your doctor. Remember - everything in moderation, especially so for plant medicines.